The AT4AM tool is a web-based amendment authoring tool developed by the European Parliament Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support. It is in use at the European Parliament to create and table amendments on the proposals of the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, and the reports of the parliamentary committees. AT4AM means Automatic Tool for AMendments.

The code for AT4AM was released under the EUPL in March 2013 and lives today at

The server at was set up by Alexander Rydekull with the aim to help to show that the application could be run by an independent organisation on an independent stand alone server running FreeBSD. This has been documented on the mailing list here:

The domain, DNS and certificate lives with and is currently managed by Erik Josefsson.

The services per 20140909 are limited to an "EP-enabled" mailing list with a public archive: